(Wall, SD: 15 July 2010) From the Badlands we made a touristy stop at Wall Drug which was another one of those places that "they" tell you you "have" to see. A couple started this place in the 1930's as a highway stop for travelers. The trouble is no one stopped. As a last ditch effort to stir up business they put up signs for hundreds of miles in all directions advertising free ice water for all who stopped. This was the 30's and most of the roads out here were still gravel-dirt. That was all it took. People stopped for the free ice water to cut the dust and the rest is history. The place has grown into a real quirky/gimmicky kind of tourist stop that actually was pretty fun. They even had a wall-mounting of a "real" Jackalope! And they still give away free ice-water!
Snow slowmo
11 years ago
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