The calm before the storm!

Joy is sitting in front of the guide on the left back.

Colorado Springs, CO (July 5, 2010) I don't have a bucket list. It seems to me that bucket lists tend to be some big daring life threatening adventure and I have always tried to stay away from those. I mean why can't it be just spending a week at the beach with my family, or relaxing on the beach of Hawaii...I would even walk across the Royal Gorge Bridge. But no, it's got to be surfing the banzai pipeline on the North Beach of Hawaii, or cliff diving, or snorkeling with sharks, or free climbing El Capitan. So I refuse to make a bucket list because I know I would never do any of those things. HOWEVER, today I did something I've always wanted to do but was afraid to do. We went white water rafting in the Arkansas River. It was a kind of a spur of the moment decision so I didn't really have time to think about it. Our guide Jessie was fantastic and although it was only a class II/III it was a lot of fun. The weather was absolutely beautiful and the scenery was breathtaking. I look forward to doing it again sometime.
You know...if Colorado had an ocean it would be on my list of possible places God might choose for us to live!!! ;)
Joy! I have a bucket list and none of it is daring. It's all things that I want to while I can and most of them are relationship related. Some of them involve seeing places that I have dreamed about. I've done plenty of daring things in my life and now don't find the need to put more on my list (like when Dave and I went bungee jumping on our anniversary...). I want to accomplish the gentle things....I'm thrilled to see that you went white water rafting!!! Robin :)