(Grand Teton National Park, WY: 21 July 2010) What is it about us and hikes that we always get rained on? The first day here we went to the Ranger Station and got the map for the various hikes in the area and found the one that looked interesting. 7 miles around Jenny Lake with a spur hike of .4 miles up to a place called Inspiration Point. Joy was concerned about the bears in the area so we got the briefing on all the appropriate precautions. The hike we chose is a very popular hike so there were bound to be lots of people making people noises to make it less likely we would run into a black bear or a grizzly. We have 3 full days here and wanted to do a hike and a bike ride at least. We checked the weather and decided Wed would work for the hike. Only 20% chance of an afternoon thunderstorms. We thought the hike would take about 4 hours so we got on the trail by 1030. We had barely made it a mile and the sky started darkening and we heard thunder in the distance. There were a lot of people on the trail, some not dressed for weather. We passed one family that was just out in shorts and tee shirts, just as they were making the U-turn to head back to the Visitor Center to hopefully miss the coming onslaught. Fortunately we thought ahead to bring our windbreaker/rain jacket as well as the handy-dandy lightweight poncho's that Emily gave us for Christmas. We were about 2 miles into the hike when the rain started coming fairly steady. We're good, we thought. Waterproof hiking shoes, raingear, we'll be fine. It wasn't the gully-washer thunderstorm we had in Hot Springs, but it came down steady. We made it to the half-way point around the lake and we're still enjoying ourselves. We took the spur hike up to a beautiful falls called Hidden Falls and then branched off from there to climb the 700 ft path up to Inspiration Point. This point is on the west side of Jenny Lake and literally in the shadow of the Teton Mountain Range. It is still raining with periodic lightening and thunder and we're slogging on. We make it to Inspiration Point, elevation 7200' according to the sign, and we look out from the view from this precipice overlooking the lake, prepared to be inspired, to a foggy mist coming off the lake and we can barely make out the trees on the other side. We had to take it by faith that it was indeed an inspiring view. We had water, but it was recommended not to take any food to lessen the chance of attracting bears. We had to make a "go-no-go" decision to continue around the other side of the lake or to head back the way we came. There was also a shuttle boat to this side of the lake that would have taken us back to the Visitor Center. Though beginning to tire and starting to get hungry we decided to press on around the lake; that is when it started not being so much fun. There had been a fire in 1998 up the nortwest slope of the mountain above the lake and while growing back it was still kind of ugly. The rain is continuing to fall as did our spirits. There are hardly any people on the trail now, and Joy is getting anxious about meeting up with a grizzly. She picked up some rocks and started banging them together as we hiked (really...they tell you to do this!). She mumbled something about not knowing what she was getting herself into, when she agreed to go on this hike with me. We made it around the north end of the lake to a trail marker that reminded us we still have 2.8 miles to go to get out of the rain and back to our car. We entered a very thick growth of forest still hugging the edge of the lake. Joy picks up bigger rocks and starts banging louder and more frequently. We start a conversation, talking loudly, just to be cautious. I stepped over some bear scat about this time, but I wasn't about to tell her. I was walking in the lead, so the bear would get me first, and I certainly ratcheted up my awareness level. After 4.5 hours we made it back to the Ranger Station. We had hiked almost 9 miles the rain finally stopping about 10 minutes before we ended. I was wet and tired, but still thought it was worth it. Joy was wet and tired and is having second thoughts about ever going on a hike with me again!
Snow slowmo
11 years ago
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