(Fair Play, SC: 3/24/2010) Well, the laundry is done, the shower has been cleaned and I've got chicken and dumplings cooking in the crock pot so I think I'll take a break and fill you in on these last few days.
We finally got out of Florida and made our way to Warner Robins, Georgia where we lived for 4 1/2 to 5 years. I give that spread of time because Ed left for the Pentagon while Katie, Emily and I remained there waiting for the house to sell. Warner Robins has many memories for us, many good ones but some hard lesson ones too. I think all the girls would agree. (Ed calls this time our "wilderness wandering" because the time here was a big time of trial and testing for us). Anyway it was fun to drive past our house and see all the improvements they have made to it! We stopped at the high school where Erin graduated and gave them a copy of the book she co-authored Golfing With Your Eyes Closed. But the best time was Monday evening when we had dinner with some dear friends, Dave and Marge Bury.
We first met Dave and Marge when we were stationed at Little Rock AFB and were so glad to meet up with them again when we were both stationed at Robins AFB. Marge is an amazing woman who is so creative and loves antiques and I had the opportunity of working for her at her business, Hickory House, while we lived there. Dave is a great husband, dad and Poppi! But what makes our relationship special is our common love for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Dave and Marge and their family have been through some amazing times in the past few years and God has used and will continue to use them to honor and glorify Him. We listened to their stories and offered encouragement as we were able, but the biggest thing we can do is to keep praying for them and entrusting them and their family to our Gracious, Merciful, and Sovereign God.
I love the book of 1 Peter and as I think of Dave, Marge and their family I can't help but go to 1 Peter 4:12: "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you...But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when His glory is revealed." God allows us to go through times of testing and trials to strengthen our faith in Him, to know Him more, to glorify Him, and to allow us to be acquainted in a small way with what He suffered for us. Everything that happens to us is for a reason (whether we can see that reason or not) and I know that as they seek Him He will continue to comfort and hold them close.
We left Warner Robins Tuesday morning and drove to just outside Atlanta for lunch with a professor of ours from Multnomah School of the Bible and his wife, Bruce and Darlene. Our time with them was too short, but we were able to fill each other in on the condensed version of what God has been doing in each others lives over the past 35+ years! Bruce was very influential in Ed and I getting together. Although his goal was to get Ed to leave me alone, it sort of backfired --which is just evidence that God's will is not thwarted!!! Our time with Bruce and Darlene was wonderful and, as usual with a coach and mentor, it stimulated us to "open the eyes of our hearts" and be willing to be stretched to fulfill all God has for us on this trip and in our future life and ministry together.
So now we are in South Carolina for a couple of days just getting some much needed quiet and together and alone time! Gearing up for another few weeks of visiting and working.
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