(No VA, 03/30-31/2010) One of the reasons we had to get back to Virginia by the end of March was for me to work with my first business consulting client. This is a company I have worked with before, but not in this role. I was able to help facilitate a meeting for them over 2 days. We had a group dinner (see picture above) the evening after the first day, at a small Italian Restaurant in Vienna, VA (how appropriate). This was also a trial run to see if Joy could handle being in the RV overnight alone. I stayed in a Hotel near the company's offices in Fairfax and Joy stayed in the RV at Quantico. High winds rocked the RV most of the night and she didn't get much sleep, but other than that she was fine. We are pronouncing it a qualified success, but TBD when the next opportunity may come for another test.
Part of the deal with my client was that I would compile the notes for the meeting. I came back to the motorhome on Wednesday after the meeting with roles of butcher paper which recorded several brainstorming sessions and groups exercises we did in our sessions. I hired my 105 wpm typist wife on the spot, to help me get it done. We divided the pages... she got 10 and I got 2. To make it easier to type from we hung the butcher paper notes all around the RV (see pictures) She was done in 30 minutes...it took me about 3 hours. But we got it done!
It's called teamwork! What you learn how to do after 35 years of marriage!