(Suffolk, VA 1/26-27/2010) We made some great friends during our 7 years in Suffolk. Some of them threw a Bon Voyage party for us on our last Saturday in town. There was even a cake decorated with a toy car (representing our motorhome) and tow-truck. I asked if the toys were prophetic symbols like in Isaiah and Jeremiah...of impending doom, or something that was going to happen and they were indicating we would have many breakdowns along the way. The car and tow-truck are on opposite ends of the cake, I was informed, so the implication is a blessing and a prayer that God would keep us from breakdowns.
So, when you cut a cake at a going away party for people who are getting ready to travel for months on end, what is the appropriate song to sing? Happy Trails, of course. So, our friends sang, "Happy Trails to you, until we meet again".
The next day at church we ran into someone who doesn't like saying goodbye. As we hugged he reminded us that this is, "see ya later", not "goodbye".
And so it is...
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