Dallas, TX (June 24-28, 2010) We headed out of Del Rio, TX and made our way north to near Dallas. We packed a lot into the few days we were there. Here's the brief run-down...Found another cemetery where my great great grandparents on my dads side are buried, got to see a Texas Rangers baseball game that was great, had lunch with my brother Bill and sister-in-law Shirley, spent some time with my sister Jane and brother-in-law Phil as well as their granddaughter Elli-Grace, met my niece Lauren's husband Kendrick and swam in the pool at their new house, got to visit The Village Church just outside of Denton whose pastor, Matt Chandler, we have enjoyed listening to by podcast several times on the road, and reconnected with some good long-time friends from our first military assignment at McChord AFB in Tacoma, WA, and also our Pentagon assignment, Pete and Pam Peterson. Pete led the Navigator's Bible study we plugged into and has been a great friend and mentor to Ed all these years.
We didn't stay long but we did enjoy the time we had in the Dallas area. Now we're off to Enid, Oklahoma!
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