(Springfield, VA 03/28-4/2/10) Moving around is part of the package when you are in the military. You pretty much know that you are going to be stationed somewhere for about 4 years and then move on. Living on base would at least provide opportunity to get to know your neighbors quickly as everyone is in the same situation of being away from family. Our family tried to plug into a church as soon as we could to enlarge that opportunity and because we knew we needed the fellowship of other believers. God was always faithful to bring people into our lives that we have been able to share some great times with in our 30 years of military moves (some of whom we're privileged to visit on our Oregon Journey). Sometimes it happened quickly, sometimes it took awhile. One of the hardest places for me to develop deep relationships was when we moved to Northern Virginia and Ed worked at the Pentagon. For several reasons I just didn't find someone that I clicked with UNTIL I found Pam! Pam Hawthorne and I met while dropping our daughters off for a church youth trip to Colorado. Our husbands had been roommates at a men's retreat and became friends, but Pam and I hadn't really been introduced. While we were waiting to pick our girls up after the trip we sat in my car and just talked. When the vans drove in our girls looked at each other and said "oh good, our moms finally found a friend". I think they thought we were both pretty pathetic! Pam and I both have similar sarcastic sides which makes our relationship fun. We've shared some fun times and some hard times that have strengthened our friendship. I know I can count on her and she can count on me. We both love "I Love Lucy" and she calls me Ethel (although truth be told she is OLDER than me) and I call her Lucy. Before we left Virginia the 4 of us went out to dinner and had a wonderful evening with Ron giving the waiter a lot of fun teasing. It was just what we needed. I'm so thankful for Ron and Pam and although I hope they come and visit us when we get settled in Oregon I know that we will have an eternity to laugh and enjoy our friendship on the New Earth (Rev 21:1-8)!
Snow slowmo
11 years ago
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