Several people have been wondering how I was going to do living in an RV for an indefinite period of time. Will I miss a permanent home, having all my possessions around me, a good shower, a place to go to be alone. Certainly all of those things are different now but I think the thing that is going to stretch me the most is-will I be able to handle the bumps in the road. I like routine, I like knowing what is going to happen, having plans and sticking to them, to-do lists, getting things done. I don't do well with glitches or unexpected problems. I don't like having to make a plan B,C and D!!! I want to go with plan A!
But that's what life is going to be like now. I can't count on plan A happening. I have to learn to accept that sometimes things are going to come up that I can't control that will mean adjusting to a new plan. For instance, just trying to leave Suffolk meant going to plan C on the spur of the moment. Buy it also meant getting to have dinner with some friends and having a wonderful reunion with some friends who happened to be in town from Italy for one day! If we'd gone with plan A we would have been long gone and missed both those opportunities.
I just finished a study on Job and one of the greatest verses I am taking away from that study is 26:14. "Behold, these are but the outskirts of His ways and how small a whisper do we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?" I see just the outskirts of His ways. I don't know all that is happening and why so I need to put my hand over my mouth and trust His sovereignty.
As I write this we are sitting in the parking lot of Camping World in Savannah, Georgia. Our blinkers stopped working for some reason and we are waiting to have them checked. Plan B is now in motion.
Snow slowmo
11 years ago
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