Interesting book I have been reading lately, "The Reason for God - Belief in an Age of Skepticism". Now I wouldn't say I'm a skeptic. I'm a believer and find my faith in God easy to have without a lot of doubts or questions. But one chapter I just finished was how could a good God allow suffering. Now I'm not saying I'm suffering. Although sitting in a parking lot in Del Rio, Texas might be suffering to some. But another way to pose that question is why do bad things happen to good people. Of course, that's assuming I'm good people!!! Do I believe that because I'm a "good" person or a "Christian" that only good things will happen to me? As Keller says in his book, "Just because I can't see or imagine a good reason why God might allow something to happen doesn't mean there isn't one". He goes on to say later, "Many people have to admit that most of what they really needed for success in life came to them through their most difficult and painful experiences". The other thing I have been learning through a study I am doing in Job is sometimes...really most of the time... IT'S NOT ABOUT ME!!! Maybe this trial I am going through is for somebody else to learn something and I'm just the vessel God is using because He knows I can handle it. I don't think Job ever knew that God had a conversation with Satan about him which led to his suffering. Did Job lose faith? Sure he struggled and questioned but his faith was firm. "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, BLESSED BE THE NAME OF THE LORD"! So as Ed and I sit here in Del Rio, Texas waiting to see how this whole car trial is going to work out I am not complaining or becoming frustrated because I know that God is sovereign and His ways are not my ways neither are His thoughts my thoughts and I can trust Him. Phew, what a relief that is. So how long will we be in Del Rio this time???? Stay tuned.
Snow slowmo
11 years ago
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